Que dois-je savoir ?

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Que dois-je savoir ?

Message par LloydRice »

How To Fix Common Sewing Machine Mistakes

As a beginner in sewing, mistakes are inevitable and, in fact, should be embraced. They show how much you don’t know. Here we will talk about the mishaps that can happen to your sewing machine and how to fix them.

If you want to buy an easy to use sewing machine, I have a collection of some Image best sewing machine for beginners making clothes that you might want to take a look.

The Upper Thread Unthreads Itself
You have just threaded the needle and are eager to put your foot on the pedal when the thread works its way out of the machine.

It seems like a big problem but actually, it’s quite easy to fix.

First, re-thread the machine. This time make sure that you leave a long tail after the thread goes through the needle.

Second, check if the needle is fully raised up before you start sewing. How to know that you ask? See if the take-up lever is visible at the top of your machine. If it’s not, turn the hand wheel until you see it or if your machine has an up-down button, press it.

In many basic models, the take-up lever can be seen from the outside of the machine.

The Fabric Moves Around Freely


Lift the presser foot up Right underneath the needle is the presser foot and it’s there for a reason.

Lower it so that it can keep the piece of fabric in place.

The Stitches Are Tight On The Upper Thread
This means to things. One of them is, of course, the tension. But before you do anything with the tension knob, I want you to check another possibility first. Sometimes the spool thread gets stuck in the tension discs. If yes, take it off, it’s putting more than enough pressure on the spool.

I found some very user-friendly sewing machines and I will put it here Good sewing machine for beginners Image .

The Thread Knots Up


The Thread Is Knot Up

This is another common issue and a really nasty one. The thread either knots up on your fabric or gets tangled inside the machine. The latter poses the most problem as you may have to take the needle plate out to untangle it.

Don’t wait until the issue takes place, trying to prevent it is a better way through.

Before you sew, check if the bobbin thread and the spool thread are sticking out towards the back of the machine. If not, they may get knotted up when you sew. Another thing to do is to clean the machine regularly. Modern models are designed for easy maintenance so you don’t need to visit the mechanic too often.

The Stitches Are Uneven
If the stitches are nice and tight on one side and loosened on the other, there are two possibilities.

First, the thread tension is wrong. In this case, turn the tension knob to adjust it and test on a piece of fabric until the stitches are even again.

Second, the problem might lie in the way the bobbin is threaded. Stop what you’re doing and take the bobbin out for a quick check. Consult the manual if to see if you’ve threaded it right. Then check if the thread goes through the grooves.

My sewing machine comes with a detailed manual that states specifically how to adjust the tension. Want to learn more about the sewing machines and latest models? Read this article Best inexpensive sewing machine for beginners Image .
Dernière modification par LloydRice le 08 août 2022, 11:22, modifié 1 fois.
Birdie Expert
Birdie Expert
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Re: Que dois-je savoir ?

Message par gurwann »

Le golf est un sport frustrant parce qu'il est rare de faire ce qu'on veut.

Il faut savoir accepter l'échec et la stagnation pour prendre du plaisir.

Car une fois que tu l'acceptes, tu finiras tjs par faire des coups qui te satisferont.

Bienvenue dans la communauté et surtout garde toujours à l'esprit que tu es là pour t'amuser et que parfois c'est pas si facile

Envoyé de mon Pixel 5 en utilisant Tapatalk

7.5 en 2017 et 2018, 6.3 fin 2019 . Que donnera 2020 avec le WHS ;-)

Albatros Expert
Albatros Expert
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Re: Que dois-je savoir ?

Message par David7578 »

Novice et index 1.2
Les intelligences artificielles sont vraiment très fortes :lol:
For the most part, golf coaches are glorified alignement sticks 😁